суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

breast france things

donapos;t know what to say..
between that last post and now, my days have been even worse.
today i took my mid-report.
only to find out i got better score by mistake.
and then thereapos;s this problem at church.
i feel iapos;m left behind even more now..
and back at home my dad talked about my score, how it would affect my future, how i must set priority and time management stuff..well itapos;s kinda too late to change those stuff i think..
wanna let it end..
iapos;m the one causing the torment.
so, iapos;m the one that suffer the most.

now i have to think about school stuff,
and also church stuff,
and also college stuff..
when i still havenapos;t got my soul back..
i donapos;t know what to do now..
the will to do stupid things and end it all is growing somewhere in my mind..
i know what to do..
but something make me donapos;t want to do it..

why thereapos;s no one when i need just anyone..?

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cayuga wine trail

My horoscope today was:
There may be winds blowing into your life from parallel dimensions that fill your day with strange occurrences that cannot be rationally comprehended. Nevertheless, a little trust goes a long way now and you may be pleasantly surprised if you assume a positive outcome to whatever happens. Donapos;t be overly concerned about a little instability; it will pass without any specific response on your part.

So, I got a frantic phone call from the lady who runs the rescue where we got Muppet. She was yelling at me telling me how much I suck because my brand new dog was out and had been taken to the animal hospital around the corner. Luckily heapos;s micro chipped. I went to the vet to pick him up, totally confused about how he got out of the house. Heapos;d been taken over there by a neighbor who hasnt seen him with us yet. Its about ten minutes from my work to the animal hospital so I ran over there to get him, more than a little confused. I picked him up and went home. My front door was open and there was an agitated 180 pound dog standing in the door frame. She almost barreled me over as soon as she saw me. The little dogs collar was on our front porch.

It looks like someone hopped our locked fence to come in through our sliding glass door in the bedroom. It looks like they checked our room and the second bedroom and then while they were checking to see if the coast was clear they saw the massive dog and high tailed it out the front door. The cops said that this is something really common that happens to people who just got married. They search public records for new marriage licenses and assume youapos;ll still be on your honeymoon and that your house will be full of presents. We dont have presents and didnt go on a honeymoon so they got hosed. Good. Fuck apos;em. They didnt take anything, and didnt even touch anything that wasnt a door it seems, but I still feel very angry that someone was in my house. They had no right.

I didnt wear my rings today because Iapos;m swollen. I left them on the back of the sink. I am one lucky bitch.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

conectores gramaticales

Brief updates:

THE�HOUSE:� Weapos;ve had our first glitch of sorts.� Apparently the house has some "knob and tube" wiring.� While it is in good condition and, according to the inspector, not unsafe or against code, it is apparently very difficult to get insured if the house has it.� We were planning on getting homeownerapos;s insurance through USAA, who has all of our other policies and gets us discounts for multiple policies and good history.� However, USAA, apparently, does NOT�insure houses with knob and tube.� They will however, issue us a policy with the stipulation that we replace the wiring within thirty days.� Because, of course, we need a policy in order to close on the house.)� We are working on getting an idea of what that will cost us.� Our other option is to go with one of the few companies that WILL�insure a house with knob and tube, which will of course cost more monthly due to the lack of discounts AND�likely additional premium for the wiring. � UGH. � *THIS* was the straw that finally broke my stress limit.� I was doing pretty darn good managing my stress and anxiety related to buying, moving, having baby, uncertainty regarding work/job. . . Until now.� grrrr.

THE�BABY:� Well, I went to my OB appointment, and had indeed gained quite a bit of weight, just like the little one.� My appetite,which had been missing in action for so long, made a GRAND reappearance and I guess I didnapos;t do a good job of controlling it.� I need to work harder on that.�

Chris and I�have started our birthing classes.� The first class was not all that useful, and seemed to drag on forever, as it mainly covered pregnancy issues that Iapos;m already aware of.� The second class got more interesting, covering actual labor and delivery stuff.� Next week, we will tour the maternity ward of the hospital.� Although, with the move, we are considering using a different hospital.� I may need to change doctors, as well.�� (Yay more stress)

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Hi girls and boys

Iapos;m new here, though Iapos;ve been watching for a few weeks and I really like this community. Itapos;s positive, down to earth, realistic and I think a lot of people here have the same type of goals as I do.

Iapos;m 5apos;8" and currently 145 lbs. I was able to drop around 40-45 pounds in the past year, mainly because I went to Thailand for 9 months and completely changed my lifestyle and diet. Previously I was eating really unhealthily, eating shit when I was bored, and drinking a lot (empty cals to the face). Iapos;m now back in the states and have maintained my weight very well overall with maybe a 5 pound fluctuation here and there, but thatapos;s normal for me. My ideal weight is around 130-135. I donapos;t have a very strict or disciplined exercise regimen, though I do generally get a lot of exercise. Maybe 4-5 times a week, either a long bike ride, half hour run, long walk with my dog, yoga in my friends living room,etc. I walk almost everywhere (lucky to live in the city) and generally try to stay very active. I donapos;t belong to a gym because I DETEST them and nothing kills my will to work out more than the idea of going to a gym. I have been known to count shopping as exercise

I donapos;t always count calories; I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and as much raw food as I can, I donapos;t eat dairy mainly because Iapos;m lactose intolerant but also because I believe it was cutting out dairy in Thailand (they donapos;t eat it and never have, so having it while living in my tiny village wasnapos;t even an option) that was one of the main factors in my weight loss. I do eat yogurt because itapos;s the one dairy food that doesnapos;t aggravate my stomach post-Thailand. I drink soy milk, and donapos;t think I donapos;t occasionally go nuts and have a few slices of pizza (I LOVE PIZZA) and live with the tummyache that follows. I eat a lot of protein like beans, eggs, tofu, chicken, fish, turkey, steak when I can get my paws on it, etc. Carbs I get mainly from whole wheat bread, potatoes, rice, fruit, etc. I like my diet and I donapos;t think I need to change it too much, really just cut out late-night eating, and be more diligent about pushing myself while exercising.

Anyways this ended up being really long but I just wanted to introduce myself and share my story Iapos;m Julia by the way and Iapos;m 23.

Height: 5apos;8"
HW: 192
SW: 145
CW: 145
GW 1: 140
GW 2: 135
GW 3: 130

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

coronet hotel pune

Ok, Chuckapos;s not so much a diva as he us frightened by a room full of people who look like him. Also, slightly intimidated by his sort-of fame. Which makes sense.

The shoot was fun and now that I know what itapos;s like to be vaguely biased around, I will be a bitmire specific when shooting.

I rode the L back with Chuck and this really really REALLY cute guy who happens to beat genius at an apple store and live up nest 54th st near Harlem. Chuck was cool and chatted with us. We talked about my parents and their profession, as per usual with new people.

I would looove to see apple genius again. Yum. And if I ran into Chuck, I would not object.
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